On October 11, 2024, a wearable accessory workshop was held within the scope of IAED 2001 Space Design Studio III, led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. ŞİRİN IZADPANAH ERTEKİN, Asst. Prof. Dr. Narin FARAVAR TAŞDEMİR, Asst. Prof. Dr. Melda YILDIZ, and Res. Asst. Ayşan Ilgın POLAT, as well as IAED 2002 Space Design Studio IV, conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak KARADUMAN and Res. Asst. Ayşan Ilgın POLAT, at the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design of our university's Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture. This workshop has provided an innovative perspective on interior architecture education.
The workshop aimed to enable students to abstract the concepts they developed in the spatial design studio and transform them into wearable accessory designs that they could showcase on their bodies. Over a three-week working process, students focused on developing creative and functional design solutions using various materials and techniques. This process has been extremely beneficial in enhancing students' three-dimensional thinking abilities.
In the initial phase of the workshop, students examined the abstract elements of spatial design and understood which factors should be considered at the beginning of the design process. The opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge related to interior design has contributed to strengthening their creative thought processes. Additionally, they have grasped the importance of user experience by considering criteria such as ergonomics, aesthetics, and functionality in the design of wearable accessories. The modeling and prototyping stages have improved their skills in visualizing their designs. At this point, the significance of each stage of the design process has been better communicated to the participants.
The event showcasing wearable accessory designs took place in a fashion show format at the B Block foyer of Antalya Bilim University. This exhibition provided students with the opportunity to present their products to the entire university while attracting the attention of viewers from various departments, thereby enhancing interdisciplinary interaction.
The workshop has significantly contributed to students' development of both technical skills and creative abilities. Having the opportunity to apply abstraction and three-dimensional thinking skills in the field of interior architecture has equipped them to be more prepared for future design processes.
We sincerely thank our students, who showcased their talents in this meaningful and enjoyable workshop, as well as our valuable academic staff who contributed to the realization of the program.