On Friday, December 20, as part of the IAED 3301 Human Factors in Interior Spaces course led by Asst. Prof. Dr. Yaren ŞEKERCİ, a technical trip was organized with third-year students from the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design at Antalya Bilim University to the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Special Education School and Rehabilitation Center.
The aim of the trip was to emphasize the importance of a human-centered approach in space design from the perspective of individuals with disabilities and to raise awareness among students. During the visit, students had the opportunity to experience the daily challenges faced by individuals with disabilities. These experiences included navigating both indoor and outdoor spaces in a wheelchair, using transport services, and participating in sports activities, reflecting the everyday realities of physically disabled individuals.
Additionally, students used walkers to understand the experiences of partially disabled individuals, allowing them to develop empathy and recognize the importance of considering disabled users in their designs. During the trip, students also explored various spaces within the center, such as ceramic workshops, fitness areas, sports halls, and music classrooms, observing and experiencing the daily lives of individuals with disabilities in these environments.
The IAED 3301 Human Factors in Interior Spaces course emphasizes universal design, focusing on creating spaces that everyone can use without the need for adaptations or special designs, and inclusive design, which addresses human diversity by considering the varying needs of different users. This technical trip served as a valuable practical application, helping students comprehend the importance of inclusive and universal design approaches that prioritize both physical and emotional well-being.
We extend our gratitude to the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Special Education School and Rehabilitation Center for hosting this meaningful event.