On October 18, 2024, within the framework of the IAED 1301 Introduction to Interior Architecture course conducted by Asst. Prof. Enes Can KILIÇ, a presentation was held for interior architecture students by Asst. Prof. Dr. Z. Ayça TERZİOĞLU, a faculty member from Antalya Bilim University’s Psychological Counseling and Guidance Application and Research Center, and Psychological Counselor Büşra ALPASLAN. The presentation focused on the services offered by the center, the counseling processes, and the steps to be taken to support students' mental health. Information was provided on the significance of the psychological support services available to students and how they can benefit from these services.
The experts emphasized the importance of mental health, detailing the services offered by the center to help students cope with the stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges that arise in academic life. The speakers explained how the individual counseling process contributes to students’ personal development and helps them overcome challenges. They noted that counseling services assist students in expressing themselves and understanding the issues they face, and they also clarified how counseling sessions can be tailored to meet each student's specific needs.
During the presentation, information was shared on how students should approach emotional challenges, effective coping strategies, and stress management. Topics such as academic pressures and social anxiety—common issues faced by students—were discussed, and suggestions were provided on how to handle these situations.
At the end of the presentation, students had the opportunity to ask questions about the center, allowing them to gain further insights into the counseling process and the content of the services offered. This event contributed to students making more informed decisions about seeking psychological support and helped them become more knowledgeable about maintaining their mental health during their interior architecture education.
In this context, we would like to express our gratitude to Asst. Prof. Dr. Z. Ayça TERZİOĞLU and Psychological Counselor Büşra ALPASLAN for their valuable contributions.