Payment and Installment Information:

Students who accept the offer must pay at least one semester fee to complete their registration.

Students are required to pay the annual tuition fee in two installments, during the fall and spring semesters.

Students who do not pay the tuition fee cannot complete their course selection at the beginning of the semester.

The scholarship offered is valid throughout the student's entire education period, except for semester freezing, not renewing registration, and disciplinary penalties.

For payment options and bank account details, please visit

 If you encounter any issues with payments, you can reach the Financial Affairs Department through:

Points to Consider:

Prospective international students should note that the initial Pre-Acceptance Letter is not an Official Acceptance Letter, cannot be used for visa applications, and does not guarantee a place. An Official Acceptance Letter, needed for visa applications, is issued after payment, based on program availability.

International students who make a deposit payment and receive the Official Acceptance Letter from the International Affairs and International Students Office and make the semester payment accept the following conditions:

  • They will bring all the necessary documents mentioned for official registration, and registration will not be completed if any document is missing.

  • Registration will not be completed if the minimum semester payment is not made.

  • Registration will not be completed if they cannot legally prove their residence in Turkey by a visa or resident permit.

  • If the equivalency application is rejected, the university has no responsibility in this matter and may cancel the registration.

  • If the visa application is rejected, the student can request a refund of the deposit fee only with confirmation from the embassy and the process will take at least 3 months.

  • If the resident permit application is rejected, the university has no responsibility in this matter, and the student cannot request a refund.

  • Student will pay the tuition fee at the beginning of each semester.

  • Tuition fees are non-refundable under any circumstances.

  • In case of freezing or not renewing registration, fees will be applied without the scholarship.

    • According to Article-38 of the "Undergraduate and Associate Degree Regulations", students who freeze or do not renew their registration cannot benefit from the scholarships provided by the university during this period.

  • Students who receive a disciplinary penalties will lose their scholarship entirely.

    • According to Article-22 of the "Scholarship and Financial Aid Directives", "students who receive more than one warning penalty or any other disciplinary penalties will lose their scholarships and financial aid.