
2021 13.09.2021 – TİKA ve Gambiya Turizm ve Otelcilik Enstitüsü temsilcilerinin kampüs ziyareti 07 Ekim 2021 – Rus üniversitelerinin kampüsümüzü ziyareti 14 Ekim 2021 – Turizm ve Dijitalleşme (E-gaming/E-sports) 17 Aralık 2021 – Study Mastersin USA Semineri 2022 13 Ocak 2022 – Turizm Sektöründe Nitelikli İşgücü İhtiyacı Paneli ve Farkındalıklı Öğretmen İletişimi" eğitimi 29 Ocak 2022 – Turizmciler Sorunlarına Çözüm Arıyor Çalıştayı 17.Şubat.2022 – Geleceğin Turizmcileri İşbirliği Protokolü imzalandı 21.02.2022 – MEB ve MTAL kampüs ziyareti 30.03.2022 – Antalya İl Turizm Müdürü Dr Candemir Zoroğlu ve TURAM yetkilileri ile toplantı 31.03.2022 – Cheesy recipes with Chef Muzaffer Avcı 07.04.2022 – Globalleşme ve Turizm Semineri 19 -20 Nisan 2022 – Turizm Haftası Etkinlikleri 09 -16 Mayıs 2022 – Veri Okur Yazarlığı Eğitimi 13 Mayıs 2022 – Coğrafi İşaretler ve Turizm Semineri 20 Haziran 2022 – Rixos Downtown TELP Çalıştayı 30 Haziran 2022 – TELP Culinary Bridge 18 Ekim 2022 – The Land of Legends Kalite Semineri 24 Ekim 2022 – Work and Travel Seminerİ 15 Aralık 2022 – Swot Hospitality’de Staj, Gölge Yöneticilik ve İş İmkanları Semineri 12 -16 Aralık 2022 – Kampüste Staj ve Gölge Yöneticilik Görüşmeleri 13 Aralık 2022 – Sous Vide Pişirme, Sufle, ve Şeker Hamuru Yapım Atölyesi 2023 08.02.2023 – Kazakh University of Technology and Business (KAZUTB) ve Rixos Astana ile TELP toplantısı 30.03.2023 – Girişimcilik Üzerine Söyleşi 27.04.2023 – Amerika’da Kariyer ve İş Fırsatları (J1 Stajı) 10.05.2023 – Menü Planlama Semineri 10.05.2023 – Peynir Kalitesi Semineri 11.05. 2023 – Yörükoğlu Süt ve Ürünleri Firması ile Peynir Yapım Atölyesi 29.05.2023 – Rixos Premium Tekirova çalışanlarına Coğrafi işaretler ve Turizm semineri 08.09.2023 – TELP Culinary Bridge 19 -20.10.2023 – II. Antalya Bilim Festivali 27.10.2023 - Work and Travl Semieri 11.11.2023 – Antalya Kültür Yolu Kapsamında Termesos Gezisi 15.11. 2023 – Gastro Antalya Festivali sunum 15.11. 2023 – Gastro Antalya Festivali Panel 27.11. 2023 – CV Writing Semineri 27.11. 2023 – Kariyer Planlaması Semineri 11-15.12.2023 – Kampüste Staj ve Gölge Yöneticilik Görüşmeleri 19.12. 2023 – Miksoloji Atölyesi

08.06.2023 - Participating in the Ege University IV. International Gastronomy, Tourism and Cultural Studies Symposium.

Geographical Indication (GI) Products’ role in sustainable attitude: How does Geographical Indication awareness promote Gen Z’s purchasing behavior

Çağla Çavuşoğlu McKenzie and Caner Ünal

Abstract: Products with “geographic indications” (GIs) are gaining popularity in rural tourist destinations. To date, however, quantitative empirical studies are still rare in the existing literature, in contrast to the extensive coverage of qualitative studies of GIs. The findings of this study, therefore, shed light on the gap in the rural tourism literature and may help identify issues that need to be addressed to develop local and sustainable tourism strategies more efficiently with the help of GIs in rural areas. This research investigates how Gen Z’s GIs awareness affect the consumption intentions and shape their sustainable attitudes through their purchasing behaviour. Given that the future of the tourism industry is defined by the next generation's tourism-related experiences, it is essential to understand their culture and tourism-oriented attitudes and behaviours. Bearing these in mind, the samples in this study were undergraduates majoring in tourism management, and gastronomy and culinary arts. Purposive sampling was conducted, and data were analysed utilising Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). From a total of 400 surveys distributed, 300 valid replies were obtained, yielding a total response rate of 75%. Results, from a SEM, indicated that Gen Z's awareness of GIs was positively related to their consumption intention, which positively affected Gen Z's sustainable attitudes through their purchasing behaviour. This paper claims two significant contributions: (1)Incorporating GIs into the rural tourism literature from Gen Z’s perpectives. (2)Revealing practical and valuable insights for the academics specialising in the hospitality and tourism discipline as well as for the rural tourism development strategists.


Keywords: Products with geographical indications, awareness, sustainable attitude, consumption intention, purchasing behaviour