As part of the Erasmus Project with the number 2022-1-TR01-K131-HED-000060401, 4 staff members have been listed as primary (grant-receiving) participants for the Erasmus Staff Training Activity, while 15 staff members are listed on back up list. For the Erasmus Staff Teaching Activity, 3 academic staff members have been listed as primary (grant-receiving) participants with 2 academic staff members listed on back up list. Based on the criteria outlined in the decisions of the Erasmus Program Board dated 20.02.2024 with reference numbers 2400002135 and 2400002139, point calculations have been made and the selected staff have been ranked from highest to lowest points. A total of 7 university staff have qualified to benefit from Erasmus mobility as grant recipients based on the evaluation results, while 17 staff are listed on back up list. Mobilities must be completed by the project end date, which is July 31, 2024. The research assistants who have applied for staff mobility lack the authority to conduct lectures; therefore, they are only eligible to participate in training activities. The names are provided in the attached lists with masking for privacy.
Click for the Final List of Mobility to Receive Education.
Only applications with a status of "completed" at the time of application were considered for evaluation, while applications labeled as "active and updating" were not included in the evaluation,
Staff whose names are on the back up list can also benefit from the Erasmus+ Mobility with the condition of not receiving a grant (zero grant),
Individuals with the same score have been ranked based on their period of service at Antalya Bilim University,
Staff without an invitation letter must obtain one from the host institution by Friday, May 3, 2024, at 17:30, and submit it to the Erasmus Office via email. If this letter will not be submitted Erasmus Office, staff will be selected from the back up list. Staff who currently have an acceptance letter but wish to change institutions must submit their new invitation letters to the Erasmus Office no later than 1 month before the mobility date. Please consider visa processes when requesting changes. Subsequent changes will not be accepted.
Required documents:
Acceptance/Invitation Letter: This document, provided by the institution where you have been accepted, specifies the dates during which you will receive training or teaching mobility,
Staff Training – Teaching Certificate: This document must be completed in full by contacting the host institution. (It will be sent via email upon receipt of the invitation letter.)
Before the mobility, you must have a Euro account at Vakıfbank. 80% of the total grant you will receive will be transferred into your account, while the remaining 20% will be transferred into your account upon completion of your mobility and submission of your documents.
For further information, you can send an email, call 1204, and/or visit the Erasmus+ Office. (RGS-21/ Office of the Rectorate building)