Buket ŞENOĞLU

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Chiba University – Japan
Akdeniz University
Ankara University

Buket Şenoğlu, who completed her bachelor’s degree at the Department of Landscape Architecture at Ankara University in 2011, took part in various projects as a landscape architect in private sector, and completed her master's degree in Akdeniz University Landscape Architecture program in 2015. With a Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT) she received in the same year, she went to Japan and received her Ph.D. from Chiba University Urban Design/Planning and Landscape Architecture program in 2019.  She has been giving lectures at Antalya Bilim University, Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design since March 2019, and she continues her academic studies as Asst. Prof. Dr. since April 2021 and serves as the vice president of the department since December 2021.

Research Areas

Cultural and Historical Places,

Protection and Restoration of Historical Environmments,

Urban Design and Planning,

Environmental Psychology,

Environmental Behavior,

Environmental Aesthetics