Dicle KORKMAZ

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University of Tampere
London School of Economics and Political Science
Ankara University

Dicle Korkmaz has been working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Politics and International Relations since 2017. After completing her undergraduate studies in International Relations at Ankara University Faculty of Political Science in 1997, she received her master’s degrees from the London School of Economics and Political Science in European Studies in 2002 and Ankara University Social Science Institute in EC-International Relations in 2007. She completed her Ph.D. studies in International Relations at the University of Tampere in 2016. She worked in projects funded by the Academy of Finland, EU- Horizon 2020 and Stiftung Mercator at the University of Tampere and the Middle East Technical University. She was a visiting scholar at The George Washington University, Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies during her Ph.D., and a visiting research fellow at The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies after the Ph.D. Before her academic life, she worked as an expert at the Turkish National Agency and a research expert at the Turkish Competition Authority. Her research interests include energy security, natural gas markets, climate change, Turkiye-European Union relations and Integration of the European Union.

Research Areas

Energy security,

Integration of the European Union,

Turkiye-European Union relations,

Natural gas markets,

Climate change